Page Component

Manipulate every part of an HTML Page at any time.

use BootPress\Page\Component as Page;

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A framework agnostic HTML framework that allows you to manipulate every part of an HTML Page at any time.

public object $global ;


A Dependency Injection Pimple\Container instance. We don't automatically create this for you, until and unless you access it here. If you don't want a Pimple object, then you can set the static Page::$global to whatever suits your fancy.

public object $request ;


Either the Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request object you gave us at Page::html(), or the one we made for you.

public object $session ;


A lazy BootPress\Page\Session instance. This object will not call session_start() until and unless you set a $_SESSION value, or if the session $_COOKIE is set and you want to get a value.

public static bool $started ;


A static confirmation that the session has been started, and the flash vars managed.

public string id ( void )

Ensure a session has been started, and get the session_id().

public set ( string|array $key , mixed $value )

Set the $value of a $_SESSION[$key].

@param $key

$_SESSION key(s) inarray() or dot '.' notation.

@param $value

Any value except null.

$page->session->set(array('key', 'custom), 'value');
$page->session->set('', 100);

public add ( string|array $key , mixed $values )

Merge $values into a $_SESSION[$key]. If it wasn't an array before, it will be now.

@param $key

$_SESSION key(s) inarray() or dot '.' notation.

@param $values

To overwrite or add.

$page->session->add('user', array('name' => 'Joe Bloggs'));

public mixed get ( string|array $key [, mixed $default = null ] )

Retrieve the value of a $_SESSION[$key].

@param $key

$_SESSION key(s) in array() or dot '.' notation.

@param $default

The value you want to return if the value does not exist.


Either $default if the value does not exist, or the value if it does.

echo $page->session->get(array('key', 'custom)); // value
print_r($page->session->get('user')); // array('id' => 100, 'name' => 'Joe Bloggs')

public remove ( string|array $key )

Unset the $_SESSION $key(s). Every param you pass will be removed.

@param $key

$_SESSION key(s) in array() or dot '.' notation.


public setFlash ( string|array $key , mixed $value )

Set a flash value that will only be available on the next page request.

@param $key

$_SESSION flash key(s) inarray() or dot '.' notation.

@param $value

Any value except null.

$page->session->setFlash('message', 'Hello world!');

public mixed getFlash ( string|array $key [, mixed $default = null ] )

Get a flash value that was set on the previous page request.

@param $key

$_SESSION flash key(s) in array() or dot '.' notation.

@param $default

The value you want to return if the value does not exist.


Either $default if the value does not exist, or the value if it does.

$page->session->getFlash('message'); // Hello world!

public keepFlash ( void )

Keep the flash values in the current request, and add them to the next page request. This is not necessary for XML Http Requests, as we only forward the flash vars on HTML page requests.

Document Your Code

public array $dir ;


An array of directory names for reference purposes:

  • 'base' => The common dir among all those in this array - don't ever rely on this to be anything in particular.
  • 'page' => The submitted $url['dir'] when you first accessed the Page::html().
  • '$name' => The $name = $page->dirname(__CLASS__) directory.
  • '...' => Whatever other classes you have $page->dirname()ed.

public array $url ;


Information about your url's that may come in handy:

  • 'full' => The complete url 'base', 'path', 'suffix', and 'query' as presently constituted.
  • 'base' => The submitted $url['base'] when you first accessed the Page::html(), including a trailing slash '/'.
  • 'path' => The url path that comes after the 'base', and before the 'query', with no leading or trailing slashes. If this 'format' is an html page, then it does not include the url 'suffix'.
  • 'suffix' => The submitted $url['suffix'] when you first accessed the Page::html().
  • 'query' => A string beginning with '?' if there are any url params, or blank if not.
  • 'preg' => The url 'base', preg_quote()ed, and ready to go.
  • 'chars' => The submitted $url['chars'] when you first accessed the Page::html(), preg_quote()ed, but with the dot ('.'), slashes ('/'), question mark ('?'), and hash tag ('#') removed, so that we can include them as desired.
  • 'html' => An array of $url['suffix']'s that correspond with html pages.
  • 'format' => Either 'html' if the current url's suffix corresponds with an html page, or the current suffix without a leading dot eg. 'pdf', 'jpg', etc.
  • 'method' => How the page is being called eg. 'GET' or 'POST'.
  • 'route' => The current 'path' with a leading slash ie. '/'.$page->url['path'].
  • 'set' => An array($name => $url, ...) of the $page->url('set', $name, $url)'s you (and we) have set.

public array $html ;


The property from which all others are set and retrieved. The ones we use to $page->display() your page are:

  • 'doctype' => The '<!doctype html>' that goes at the top of your HTML page.
  • 'language' => The <html lang="..."> value. The default is 'en'. If your page no speaka any english, then you can change it to $page->language = 'sp', or any other two-letter language abbreviation.
  • 'charset' => The <meta charset="..."> value. The default is 'utf-8'.
  • 'title' => Inserted into the <head> section within <title> tags (empty or not). The default is empty.
  • 'description' => The <meta name="description" content="..."> value (if any). The default is empty.
  • 'keywords' => The <meta name="keywords" content="..."> value (if any). The default is empty.
  • 'robots' => If you set this to false, then we'll tell the search engines <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">: "Don't add this page to your index" (noindex), and "Don't follow any links that may be here" (nofollow) either. If you want one or the other, then just leave this property alone and you can spell it all out for them in $page->meta('name="robots" content="noindex"').
  • 'body' => This used to be useful for Google Maps, and other ugly hacks before the advent of jQuery. There are better ways to go about this, but it makes for a handy onload handler, or to insert css styles for the body. Whatever you set here will go inside the <body> tag.

public static object html ( [ array $url [, object $request = null [, mixed $overthrow = false ]]] )

Get a singleton instance of the Page class, so that your code can always be on the same "Page". Passing parameters will only make a difference when calling it for the first time, unless you $overthrow it.

@param $url

You can override any of the following default options:

  • 'dir' => The base directory of your website. I would recommend using a root folder that is not publically accessible. The default is your public html folder.
  • 'base' => The root url. If you specify this, then we will enforce it. If it starts with 'https' (secured), then your website will be inaccessible via 'http' (insecure). If you include a subdomain (eg. 'www') or not, it will be enforced. This way you don't have duplicate content issues, and know exactly how your website will be accessed. The default is whatever the current url is.
  • 'suffix' => What you want to come after all of your url (html) paths. The options are: '' (empty), '\/', '.htm', '.html', '.shtml', '.phtml', '.php', '.asp', '.jsp', '.cgi', '.cfm', and '.pl'. The default is nothing.
  • 'chars' => This lets you specify which characters are permitted within your url paths. You should restrict this to as few characters as possible. The default is 'a-z0-9~%.:_-'.
  • 'testing' => If you include and set this to anything, then any calls to $page->send() will not exit. This enables us to unit test responses without halting the script.
@param $request

A Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request object.

@param $overthrow

If anything but false, then the parameters you pass will overthrow the previous ones submitted. This is mainly useful for unit testing.


A singleton Page instance.

$page = \BootPress\Page\Component::html();

public static object isolated ( [ array $url [, object $request = null ]] )

Get an isolated instance of the Page class, so that you can use it for whatever.

@param $url

The 'base' url is not enforced here.

public set ( string|array $name [, mixed $value ] )

Set Page properties that can be accessed directly via $page->$name. This is a convenience method as you can also set them directly eg. $page->name = 'value'. All of these values are stored (and can be accessed) at the $page->html array.

@param $name

The property you would like to set. You can do this one at a time, or make this an array to set multiple values at once.

@param $value

Used if the $name is a string.

    'title' => 'Sample Page',
    'description' => 'Snippet of information',
    'keywords' => 'Comma, Spearated, Tags',

public eject ( [ string $url [, int $http_response_code = 302 ]] )

Send your visitor packing to another $url eg. after a form has been submitted.

@param $url

Either the full url, or just the path.

@param $http_response_code

The status code.


public enforce ( string $url [, int $redirect = 301 ] )

Ensure that the $url path you want to enforce matches the current path.

@param $url

Either the full url, or just the path.

@param $redirect

The status code.

echo $page->url['path']; // 'details/former-title-1'
echo $page->url['path']; // 'details/current-title-1'

public string dirname ( string $class )

Determine the directory your $class resides in, so that you can refer to it in $page->dir() and $page->url().

@param $class

The __CLASS__ you want to reference.


A slightly modified $class name.

$name = $page->dirname(__CLASS__);
echo $page->dir($name); // The directory your __CLASS__ resides in

public string dir ( [ string $folder = null [, ... ]] )

Get the absolute path to a directory, including the trailing slash '/'.

@param $folder

The folder path(s) after $page->dir['page']. Every arg you include in the method will be another folder path. If you want the directory to be relative to $name = $page->dirname(__CLASS__), then set the first parameter to $name, and the subsequent arguments (folders) relative to it. Any empty args will be ignored.

$page->dir(); // returns $page->dir['page'] - the one where your website resides
$page->dir('folder', 'path'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir('folder', '', 'path'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir('folder/path'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir('/folder//path///'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir($page->dir['page'].'folder/path'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir($page->dir['page'], '/folder/path/'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir('page', '/folder', '/path/'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/'
$page->dir('base', 'folder/path'); // $page->dir['page'].'folder/path/' - 'base' is an alias for 'page'

$name = $page->dirname(__CLASS__); // $page->dir[$name] is now the directory where the __CLASS__ resides
$page->dir($name, 'folder', 'path'); // $page->dir[$name].'folder/path/'

public string file ( string $name [, ... ] )

Get the absolute path to a file. This method works exactly the same as $page->dir(...), but doesn't include the trailing slash as it should be pointing to a file.

@param $name

Of the folder(s) and file. Can span multiple arguments.

$page->file('image.jpg'); // $page->dir['page'].'image.jpg'
$page->file('files', 'suffixless'); // $page->dir['page'].'files/suffixless'

$name = $page->dirname(__CLASS__); // $page->dir[$name] is now the directory where the __CLASS__ resides
$page->file($name, 'folder/file.php'); // $page->dir[$name].'folder/file.php'

public string path ( [ string $url = null [, ... ]] )

Get a url path (with trailing slash '/') that you can add to and work with, as opposed to $page->url() that always returns the $page->url['suffix'] with it.

@param $url

Every argument given becomes part of the path, the same as $page->dir() only with a url. The first argument can include the $page->url['base'], be a $page->dirname(), a reference that you $page->url('set', ...)ed, or just be relative to the $page->url['base'].

$page->path('folder'); // $page->url['base'].'folder/'
$page->path('base', 'folder'); // $page->url['base'].'folder/'
$page->path('page', 'folder'); // $page->url['base'].'page/folder/'
$page->path($page->url['base'], 'folder'); // $page->url['base'].'folder/'

public string|array url ( [ string $action [, string $url [, string|array $key [, string $value = null ]]]] )

Create a url, and/or manipulate it's query string and fragment.

@param $action

What you want this method to do. The options are:

  • '' (blank) - To get the $page->url['full'].
  • 'params' - To get an associative array of the $url query string.
  • 'delete' - To remove a param (or more) from the $url query string.
  • 'add' - To add a param (or more) to the $url query string.
  • 'set' - To $page->url['set'][$url] = $key that can be referred to here, and in $page->path($url).
  • '...' - Anything else you do will create a url string in the same manner as $page->path(), only with the $page->url['suffix'] included.
@param $url

If left empty then the $page->url['full'] will be used, otherwise we will htmlspecialchars_decode() whatever you do give us. If $action == 'set' then this is the shortcut name used to reference the url $key.

@param $key

Either the url you are 'set'ing for future reference, or the paramter(s) you want to 'add' or 'delete' from the $url.

@param $value

If $action == 'add' && !is_array($key), then this is the $key's value. Otherwise this argument means nothing.


The htmlspecialchars($url) string with the $page->url['suffix'] included for local html pages:

  • If $action == 'delete' and:
    • If $key == '#' the fragment will be removed.
    • If $key == '?' the entire query string will be removed.
    • If is_string($key) it will be removed from the query string.
    • If is_array($key) then every value will be removed from the query string.
  • If $action == 'add' and:
    • If is_string($key) it's $value will be added to the query string.
    • If is_array($key) then every key and value will be added to the query string.

Except for:

  • If $action == 'params' then the $url query string is returned as an associative array.
// Get the current url
$page->url(); // $page->url['full']

// 'base' is a reference to the ``$page->url['base']`` url
$page->url('base', 'path'); //

// 'page' is a reference to the ``$page->dir['page']`` directory
$page->url('page', 'path'); //

// You can include the base url
$page->url($page->url['base'], 'path'); //

// Or just skip it entirely
$page->url('path'); //

// The $page->url['suffix'] is enforced for local urls
$page->url('path.php'); //

// The suffix stays for non-html pages
$page->url('page', 'styles.css'); //

// Any suffix goes for external urls
$page->url('', 'path.php'); //

// The top level index page is removed
$page->url('index.html'); //

// For other levels it is not
$page->url('page', 'index.php'); //

// Set a url shortcut
$page->url('set', 'folder', '');
$page->url('folder'); //
$page->url('folder', '//hierarchy.php/'); //

// Get the query params
$page->url('params', ''); // array('foo' => 'bar')

// Add to the query params
$url = $page->url('add', '', array('key' => 'value', 'test' => 'string')); //;test=string
$page->url('add', $url, 'one', 'more'); //;test=string&amp;one=more

// Delete from the query params
$page->url('delete', $url, 'key'); //
$page->url('delete', $url, '?'); //

// Manipulate fragments
$fragment = $page->url('add', '', '#', 'fragment'); //
$page->url('delete', $fragment, '#'); //

public mixed get ( string $key [, mixed $default = null ] )

A shortcut for $page->request->query->get($key, $default).

@param $key

The $_GET[$key].

@param $default

The default value to return if the $_GET[$key] doesn't exits.

public mixed post ( string $key [, mixed $default = null ] )

A shortcut for $page->request->request->get($key, $default).

@param $key

The $_POST[$key].

@param $default

The default value to return if the $_POST[$key] doesn't exits.

public mixed routes ( array $map [, mixed $route = null [, array $types ]] )

Map the current $route to the paths you provide using the AltoRouter.

@param $map

An array($route => $target, ...) or just array($route, ...), or any combination thereof. The $target could be a php file, a method name, or whatever you want that will help you to determine what comes next. A $route is what you are expecting the url path to look like, and mapping them to variables that you can actually work with:

  • 'folder' will match 'folder'.
  • 'users/[register|sign_in|forgot_password:action]' will match 'users/sign_in' with $params['action'] = 'sign_in'.
  • 'users/[i:id]' will match 'users/12' with $params['id'] = 12.

Notice that the 'i' in '[i:id]' will match an integer and assign the paramter 'id' to the value of 'i'. You can set or override these shortcuts in the $types below. The defaults are:

  • '*' - Match all request URIs.
  • '[i]' - Match an integer.
  • '[i:id]' - Match an integer as 'id'.
  • '[a:action]' - Match alphanumeric characters as 'action'.
  • '[h:key]' - Match hexadecimal characters as 'key'.
  • '[:action]' - Match anything up to the next backslash '/', or end of the URI as 'action'.
  • '[create|edit:action]' - Match either 'create' or 'edit' as 'action'.
  • '[*]' - Catch all (lazy).
  • '[*:trailing]' - Catch all as 'trailing' (lazy).
  • '[**:trailing]' - Catch all (possessive - will match the rest of the URI).
  • '.[:format]?' - Match an optional parameter as 'format'.
    • When you put a question mark '?' after the block (making it optional), a backslash '/' or dot '.' before the block is also optional.

A few more examples for the road:

  • 'posts/[*:title]-[i:id]' - Matches 'posts/this-is-a-title-123'.
  • 'posts/[create|edit:action]?/[i:id]?' - Matches 'posts', 'posts/123', 'posts/create', and 'posts/edit/123'.
  • 'output.[xml|json:format]?' - Matches 'output', 'output.xml', and 'output.json'.
  • '@.(json|csv)$' - Matches all requests that end with '.json' or '.csv'.
  • '!@^admin/' - Matches all requests that do not start with 'admin/'.
  • '[:controller]?/[:action]?' - Matches the typical controller/action format.
  • '[:controller]?/[:method]?/[**:uri]?' - There's nothing that this won't cover.
@param $route

If you don't want to use the $page->url['route'], then set this value to the path you want to match against.

@param $types

If you want to add to (or override) the shortcut regex's, then you can add them here. The defaults are:

$types = array(
    'i'  => '[0-9]++', // integer
    'a'  => '[0-9A-Za-z]++', // alphanumeric
    'h'  => '[0-9A-Fa-f]++', // hexadecimal
    '*'  => '.+?', // anything (lazy)
    '**' => '.++', // anything (possessive)
    ''   => '[^/\.]++', // not a slash (/) or period (.)

Either false if nothing matches, or an array of information with the following keys:

  • 'target' => The $map route we successfully matched. If the route is a key, then this is it's value. Otherwise it is the route itself.
  • 'params' => All of the params we matched to the successful route.
  • 'method' => Either 'POST' or 'GET'.
if ($route = $page->routes(array(
    '' => 'index.php',
    'listings' => 'listings.php',
    'details/[*:title]-[i:id]' => 'details.php',
))) {
    include $route['target'];
} else {

public string tag ( string $name , array $attributes [, string $content = null ] )

Generate an HTML tag programatically.

@param $name

The tag's name eg. 'div'.

@param $attributes

An array($key => $value, ...) of attributes.

  • If the $key is numeric (ie. not set) then the attribute is it's $value (eg. 'multiple' or 'selected'), and we'll delete any $key of the same name (eg. multiple="multiple" or selected="selected").
  • If $value is an array (a good idea for classes) then we remove any duplicate or empty values, and implode them with a space in beween.
  • If the $value is an empty string and not null, we ignore the attribute entirely.
@param $content

All args supplied after the $attributes are stripped of any empty values, and implode(' ', ...)ed.


An opening HTML $tag with it's $attributes. If $content is supplied then we add that, and a closing html tag too.

echo $page->tag('meta', array('name'=>'description', 'content'=>'')); // <meta name="description">

echo $page->tag('p', array('class'=>'lead'), 'Body', 'copy'); // <p class="lead">Body copy</p>

public meta ( mixed $args )

Place a <meta> tag in your <head>.

@param $args

Either an array of attributes, or a string that gets inserted as is.

$page->meta('name="author" content="name"'); // or ...

$page->meta(array('name'=>'author', 'content'=>'name'));

public link ( string|array $link [, mixed $prepend = false ] )

Add <link>(s) to your <head>.

@param $link

A single string, or an array of '.ico', '.css', and '.js' files. You can also include <meta>, <link>, <style>, and <script> tags here, and they will be placed appropriately.

@param $prepend

If anything but false (I like to use 'prepend'), then everything you just included will be prepended to the stack, as opposed to being inserted after all of the other links that have gone before.


public style ( string|array $css )

Enclose $css within <style> tags and place it in the <head> of your page.

$page->style('body { background-color:red; color:black; }');
$page->style(array('body { background-color:red; color:black; }'));
$page->style(array('body' => 'background-color:red; color:black;'));
$page->style(array('body' => array('background-color:red;', 'color:black;')));

public script ( string|array $javascript )

Enclose $javascript within <script> tags and place it at the bottom of your page.

$page->script('alert("Hello World");');

public jquery ( string|array $code )

Places all of your jQuery $code into one $(document).ready(function(){...}) at the end of your page.

$page->jquery('$("button.continue").html("Next Step...");');

public string id ( [ string $prefix ] )

We use this in the Form component to avoid input name collisions. We use it in the Bootstrap component for accordions, carousels, and the like. The problem with just incrementing a number and adding it onto something else is that css and jQuery don't like numbered id's. So we use roman numerals instead, and that solves the problem for us.

@param $prefix

What you would like to come before the roman numeral. This is not really needed, but when you are looking at your source code, it helps to know what you are looking at.


A unique id.

// Assuming this method has not been called before:
echo $page->id('name'); // nameI
echo $page->id('unique'); // uniqueII
echo $page->id('unique'); // uniqueIII

public array|null folder ( string $dir , string $path [, string $file = 'index.php' ] )

Map a $path to a folder and $file in $dir so that you can $page->load() it. This will essentially make your $file a controller, if you subscribe to the MVC pattern.

@param $dir

The base directory whose folders you want to map to a $path.

@param $path

The $page->url['path'], or whatever else you want to use.

@param $file

The filename that must be in the folder to make a match.


If we have a match then we will return an array with the following info:

  • 'file' => The file path for which we made a match.
  • 'dir' => The dir in which the file resides (with trailing slash).
  • 'assets' => The url path (with trailing slash) that corresponds to the dir for including images and other files.
  • 'url' => The url path for linking to other pages that are relative to this dir.
  • 'folder' => The portion of your $path that got us to your $file.
  • 'route' => The remaining portion of your $path that your $file will have to figure out what to do with next.
// Assuming ``$dir = $page->dir('folders')``, and you have a $dir.'users/index.php' file:
if ($params = $page->folder($dir, 'users/sign_in')) {
    $html = $page->load($params['file'], $params);
    // $params = array(
    //     'file' => $dir.'users/index.php',
    //     'dir' => $dir.'users/',
    //     'assets' => $page->url['base'].'page/folders/users/',
    //     'url' => $page->url['base'].'folders/users/',
    //     'folder' => 'users/',
    //     'route' => '/sign_in',
    // );

public mixed load ( string $file [, array $params ] )

Passes $params to a $file, and returns the output.

@param $file

The file you want to include.

@param $params

Variables you would like your file to receive.


Whatever you $exported (could be anything), or a string of all that you echoed.

$file = $page->file('folders/users/index.php');

// Assuming $file has the following code:

$export = $action.' Users';

// Loading it like this would return 'Sign In Users'

echo $page->load($file, array('action'=>'Sign In'));

public filter ( string $section , callable $function [, array $params = array('this') [, int $order = 10 ]] )

Enables you to modify just about anything throughout the creation process of your page.

@param $section

Must be one of:

  • 'metadata' - The <title> and <meta> data that we include right after the <head> tag.
  • 'css' - An array of stylesheet link urls.
  • 'styles' - The <link>'s and <style>'s that we include just before the </head> tag.
  • 'html' - The $page->display($content) that comes right after the <body> tag, and just before the javascript we include.
  • 'javascript' - An array of javascript urls.
  • 'scripts' - The <script>'s and jQuery code that we include just before the </body> tag.
  • 'head' - Everything between the <head> ... </head> tags.
  • 'body' - Everything between the <body> ... </body> tags.
  • 'page' - The entire page from top to bottom.
  • 'response' - The final Symfony Response object if you $page->send() it.
@param $function

If filtering the 'response' then we'll pass the $page (this class instance), $response (what you are filtering), and $type ('html', 'json', 'redirect', or $page->url['format']) of content that you are dealing with.

@param $params
  • If $section == 'response'
    • These are the page type and response code conditions that the response must meet in order to be processed.
  • Otherwise:
    • $params is an array of arguments that are passed to your $function.
    • 'this' must be listed as one of the $params. It is the $section as currently constituted, and for which your filter would like to operate on. If you don't return anything, then that section will magically disappear.
@param $order

The level of importance (or priority) that this filter should receive. The default is 10. All filters are called in the order specified here.

$page->filter('response', function ($page, $response, $type) {
    return $response->setContent($type);
}, array('html', 200));

$page->filter('response', function ($page, $response) {
    return $response->setContent('json');
}, array('json'));

$page->filter('response', function ($page, $response) {
    return $response->setContent(404);
}, array(404));

$page->filter('body', function ($prepend, $html, $append) {
    return implode(' ', array($prepend, $html, $append));
}, array('facebook_like_button', 'this', 'tracking_code');
  • \LogicException If something was not set up right.

public string display ( string $content )

Piece together the HTML Page from top to bottom.

public object send ( [ object|string|int $response [, int $status = 200 [, array $headers ]]] )

Sends a Symfony Response object, and allows you to further process and $page->filter() it.

@param $response

Either a Symfony Response object, the content of your response, or just a quick status code eg. $page->send(404).

@param $status

The status code if your $response is a content string.

@param $headers

A headers array if your response is a content string.


If you set Page::html(array('testing'=>true)) then we will return the Symfony Response object so that it doesn't halt your script, otherwise it will send the Response and exit the page.

if ($html = $page->load($page->file('index.php'))) {
} else {

public sendJson ( [ mixed $data [, int $status = 200 ]] )

Creates and sends a Symfony JsonResponse object.

@param $data

The response data.

@param $status

The response status code.

Document Your Code


Add the following to your composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "bootpress/page": "^1.0"

Example Usage


use BootPress\Page\Component as Page;

$page = Page::html();

The Page class implements the Singleton design pattern so that you can call it from anywhere, and still be on the same "Page". You don't have to, but if you would like to enforce a desired url scheme (recommended), then do this:

$page = Page::html(array(
    'dir' => '../', // a root folder where you can keep everything safe and sound
    'base' => '', // this will be enforced now
    'suffix' => '.html', // goes at the end of your urls

Now you can manipulate every part of your HTML Page at any time:

// The .ico and .css files will go to your <head>
// The .js file will be at the bottom of your <body>

// To put a <link> before all the others you have set
$page->link('', 'prepend');

// Meta tags are placed at the top of the <head>
$page->meta('name="author" content="name"'); // or ...
$page->meta(array('name'=>'author', 'content'=>'name')); // or ...
$page->link('<meta name="author" content="name">'); // You can spell all these tags out with the link method

// <style> tags are placed right after the <link>'s
$page->style('body { background-color:red; color:black; }'); // or ...
$page->style(array('body { background-color:red; color:black; }')); // or ...
$page->style(array('body' => 'background-color:red; color:black;')); // or ...
$page->style(array('body' => array('background-color:red;', 'color:black;'))); // or ...
$page->link('<style>body { background-color:red; color:black; }</style>');

// <script> tags come immediately after the .js files
$page->script('alert("Hello World");'); // or
$page->link('<script>alert("Hello World");</script>');

// All of these will go into one $(document).ready(function(){...}); at the bottom of your page
$page->jquery('$("button.continue").html("Next Step...");');

Of course, none of that does any good if you don't give us the final HTML to work with:

echo $page->display('<p>Content</p>');

That will return you a nice:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="author" content="name">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <style>body { background-color:red; color:black; }</style>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script>alert("Hello World");</script>
        $("button.continue").html("Next Step...");

To change (or access) the default values that have been set, you can:

$page->title = 'Page Title';
$page->description = 'Page description.';
$page->charset = 'UTF-8';
$page->language = 'en-us';

echo '<h1>'.$page->title.'</h1>'; // <h1>Page Title</h1>

Above, you just gave us your <p>Content</p>, and we created the HTML Page around it. You can also give us the entire page, and we'll still put things where they belong:


    <  !doctype html>
<html   >
<HEad>< title>Broken</tit
<META content=" name " name="author">
    </ head>  <body style="color:#333;">

    I'm in the body!</body>
< /html>


That will give you:

<  !doctype html>
<html   >
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="description" content="Page description.">
< title>Broken</tit
<META content=" name " name="author">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <style>body { background-color:red; color:black; }</style>
<body style="color:#333;">

    I'm in the body!
    <script src=""></script>
    <script>alert("Hello World");</script>
        $("button.continue").html("Next Step...");

It's a bit screwed up still, but that's how you wanted it. We took nothing out, and only added the parts that were missing with the information you gave us. This class can do as little, or as much as you like. It's all the same to us. Even if you use none of the above, it's still nice to have a central location where an application can create, and work with urls established according to your specs.

$page->enforce('seo-path'); // If the current url was not, it is now.

echo $page->url['path']; // seo-path

if ($page->get('form') == 'submitted') { //
    $eject = $page->url('delete', '', 'form'); //
    $page->eject($page->url('add', $eject, 'payment', 'received')); // go now to
} elseif ($page->get('payment') == 'received') {
    mail('', 'Thank you for your encouragement!');